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Кальцемин № 30 табл п/плён оболоч

3 015
Байер, АГ
Installment plan 0-0-4
754 x 4 month
  • Description
  • Availability in pharmacies
  • Availability in cities


Instructions for medical use


Trade name


International nonproprietary name


Dosage form

Film-coated tablet


One tablet includes:

active substance:

Vitamin D3 (equivalent of cholecalciferol)

in the form of dry vitamin D3 (100 000 MU/g) 50 ME

calcium (in the form of calcium carbonate and calcium citrate)250 mg

zinc (in the form of zinc oxide)2,0 mg

copper (in the form of copper oxide)0,5 mg

manganese (in the form of manganic sulphate)0,5 mg

boron (in the form of sodium borate)50 mcg

adjuvants: soyameal polysaccharide, sodium laurylsulfate, silicium dioxide colloidal, cross-carmellose sodium, microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, magnesium stearate;

shell: hypromellose, triacetin, mineral oil, sodium laurylsulfate, titanium dioxide (Е 171), magnesium silicate.


Pink oval film-coated tablet with cut on one side, white inside when broken.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Gastro-intestinal tract and metabolism. Mineral supplements. Calcium drugs. Calcium drugs with other drugs.

Code АТХ А12АХ

Pharmacological properties


Calcium is absorbed from proximal part of small intestine due to active Vitamin-D-depending transfer mechanism.

Cholecalciferol is absorbed form small intestine with bile acids. In blood Vitamin D3 and its metabolites are absorbed with special transport globulin – Vitamin D3 binding protein – or with albumens. Elimination of cholecalciferol is slow (within 30 days), but its active metabolites (calcidiol, calcitriol) disappear significantly faster (within 7-10 days). They pass biological transformation in liver and formed metabolites are excreted with urine.


Calcium – important structural component of bone tissue. Provides interneuronic and nervimuscular conductivity, heart automatism, takes part in decrease cross-striated muscles and unstriped muscles, blood clotting. Calcium carbonate is salt with the greatest content of elementary calcium. Calcium citrate increases drug bioavailability for patient with hypoacide gastrointestinal system, achlorhydria, with use of Н2-histamine blocker, decreases risk of lithiasis in urinary tract in case of long use, has high antiresorptive potential due to inhibition of parathyroid hormone, has cardio protection activity due to decrease of cholesterin level.

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) increases absorption of calcium in small intestine, stimulating synthesis of calcium binding protein, increases reabsorbtion of calcium in kidney tubules. Vitamin D3 activates processes of remodeling of bone tissue by increase of synthesis of collagen, where phosphoric calcareous salt deposition takes place; stimulates synthesis of osteocalcin – the main non-collagenic protein of bone tissue required for bone formation and calcium deposition in bones. Influences on functional condition thyroid, parathyroid, sexual glands providing calcareous infiltration of bones of skeletal system.

Magnesium takes part in metabolism of bone tissue, transfer of nervous excitement, supports removal of xenobiotics and products of its metabolism from body, activates ferments of carbohydrate metabolism, prevents from bone absorption, restrain calcium deposition in blood vessel walls, heart valve, muscles, urinary tract. Included in system of antioxidant protection of body.

Zinc is co-factor of more than 200 ferments that take part in protein synthesis, nucleic acid responsible for genic expression, growth and cell repair. Regulates secretion ofcalcitonin by parafollicular cells of thyroid. Zinc takes part in productionofosteogenetic cells of collagen of 1 type – the main element of bone matrix, indluences on process of bone remodeling,on genital function, particularly, on activity of estrogen.

Copper takes part in construction of important protein of connective tissue – collagen and elastin that forms matrix of bone and cartilaginous tissue, being activator of alkaline phosphatase.

Manganese normalizes synthesis of glycosaminoglycan necessary for formationof bone and cartilaginous tissue. Duplicates calcium saving functions of Vitamin

Boracium regulates activity of parathyroid hormone and exchange of calcium, magnesium, phosphor andcholecalciferol, influences on activity ofestradiol.


  • As addition to specific therapy of osteoporosis (including menopausal, old-aged, autopathic, steroid osteoporosis or referred conditions like periodontal and dental disease, etc).
  • In case of increased body need in calcium and Vitamin D3, (for example, in case of pregnancy, in period of breast-feeding, adolescence).
  • Preventative measures and treatment of deficit of calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese and boracium.

Dosage and methods of use

Ingest. Tablet shall be ingested in whole during meal with enough water (200 ml of water).

Children 5–12 years of age should take 1 tablet once a day with meals.

Adults and children over 12 years old - 1 tablet twice a day.

Maximal single dose – 2 tablets.

Maximal daily dose – 3 tablets.

Maximal daily dose for pregnant woman – 2 tablets.

Period of treatment is defined by a doctor.

Adverse reaction

Rare stomach ache, retention of feces, diarrhea, bloating, nausea and vomit, rash, nettle rash, edema, irritation, cardio respiratory distress. Very rare acute anaphylaxis.

After long use of the drug there can be increased level of calcium in urine and concentration of calcium in blood serum that shall be controlled by doctor.


  • increased sensitivity to one of components of the drug (allergic reactions)
  • hypercalcemia and/or consequence as a result of hypercalcemia, such as sarcoidosis, malignant tumour and primary hyperthyroidism
  • difficult hypercalciuria
  • decreased kidney function
  • stone disease
  • hypervitaminosis D
  • children under 5 years

Drug interaction

Prior to use of Calcemin patients taking any other drugs shall consult with a doctor.

Calcium salt can interact with a lot of substances by changing level of gastric pH and rate of gastric emptying as well as by formation of complexes with specific substances that lead to decrease of absorption of both substances.

Substances that form complexes:

  • antibiotics and antivirals (for example, tetracyclines, quinolones): calcium decreases absorption of tetracycline antibiotics and quinolones due to formation of insoluble complexes with these substances. Therefore interval between the specified drugs shall be at least 2 hours before and in 4-6 hours after calcium supplement.
  • Levothyroxine: calcium decreases absorption of levothyroxine through formation ofinsoluble complexes. It is recommended to take drugs of calcium, at least 4 hours prior to and in 4 hours after this drug.
  • Phosphates,bisphosphonates and fluorides: calcium supplement decreases absorption of diphosphates. Patients shall take bisphosphonates at least 30 minutes prior to calcium, but preferable in other time of days.
  • Eltrombopag: 59% decrease of content of eltrombopag in plasma is observed after breakfast with high content of fats and calcium (427 mg), while food with low content of calcium (< 50 mg) does not pay significant effect on content of eltrombopag in plasma. Food with high content of calcium and antacids including aluminum, calcium and magnesium were referred with significant decrease of indicators of system influence.
  • Sodium fluoride: calcium supplement decreases absorption of sodium fluoride. Patients should take sodium fluoride 2 hours prior to and in 2 hours after calcium supplement.

Cardiac glycoside and blockers of calcium channels: hypercalcemia increases risk of fatal anisorhythmia in case of use with cardiac glycoside such as digoxin and decreases effectiveness of blockers of calcium channels such as verapamil in case of continuous arrhythmia. Patients taking calcium and/or Vitamin D and the specified drugs at the same time are recommended to control level of calcium in blood serum.

Protease inhibitors (for example, amprenavir, atazanavir and tipranavir): In case of use of the drugs containing calcium or magnesium including buffer medicinal product together with some inhibitors of protease, concentration of all these substances in blood plasma can be decreased. Inhibitors of protease should be taken 2 hours prior to or in 1 hour after use of products containing aluminum, calcium or magnesium.

Thiazide diuretic decreases excretion of calcium with urine. Due to increased risk of hypercalcemia in case of simultaneous use of thiazide diuretic and calcium drugs it is recommended to control level of calcium in blood serum regularly in case of long treatment.

Some drugs can decrease gastro-intestinal absorption of Vitamin D. Division of use of these drugs and vitamin D at least 2 hours prior to and 4-6 hours after use of vitamin D will help minimize such interaction.

  • Ion exchange resin such as cholestyramine, laxative agents, orlistat: simultaneous use with this drug decreases absorption of vitamin D3 in gastrointestinal system. It is recommended to take 2 hours prior to or 4-6 hours after use of vitamin D.
  • Carbamazepine, phenytoin or barbiturates increase metabolism of Vitamin D to its inactive metabolite that leads to decrease of activity of Vitamin D3.

Interaction with food/ accessory food substance:

  • Oxalic acid, phytic acid: contained in spinach and rheum oxalic acid and phytic acid in grain varieties can inhibit calcium absorption. It is recommended to take drugs containing calcium in 2 hours after food containing high concentration of oxalic and phytic acid.
  • Ferrum, zinc, magnesium: calcium supplement can decrease absorbtion of ferum, zinc and magnesium. Patients with insufficient level of ferrum, zinc or magnesium should not take calcium supplement with food, just prior to sleep.
  • Fibers: components of dietary fibers (phytic acid (contained in wheat bran), oxalic acid (contained in spinach and rheum) and uronic acid (usual component of vegetable fibres) can inhibit calcium absorption. However simultaneous prescription of psyllium and calcium leads to significant decrease of absorption of calcium.

Special indications

Dose of the drug shall not exceed recommended daily dose.

Patients receiving other vitamins and multivitamin drugs containing Vitamin D or calcium and any other drugs or being under medical supervision should consult with a doctor prior to use of this drug.

It is required to be careful and do not exceed cumulative volume of 2500 mg of calcium and 4000 MU of Vitamin D.

During long treatment by combined drugs of calcium and Vitamin D it is necessary to control level of calcium in blood serum and urine as well as kidney function after measurement of content of creatinine in blood serum, especially forelderly patients and in case of accompanying therapy of cardiac glycoside, calcium-channel blockers and/or thiazide diuretics.

Immobilized (disabled) patients shall carefully take combined vitamin drugs with osteoporosis due to increased risk of hypercalcemia.

Pregnancy and lactation

It is considered that Calcemin Advance is safe during pregnancy and lactation period udring use according to recommended doses, but shall be taken upon the recommendation of doctor.

Do not exceed recommended dose, because chronic overdosing can be dangerous for fetus and infant.

During pregnancy daily dose shall not exceed 1500 mg of calcium and 600 MU of vitamin D.

Do not take more than 2 tablets per day during pregnancy and lactation.

Vitamin D and calcium are excreted with breast milk. It is necessary to take into account if child receives any corresponding supplements.

Effects on ability to drive and use potentially dangerous machines

No effect.


Symptoms – in rare cases there can be acute headache, clouding of consciousness, gastrointestinal irritation (nausea, vomit, retention of feces, diarrhea).

In case of overdosage it is recommended to use symptomatic treatment – gastric lavage, large volume of water and diet with low level of calcium also it is necessary to stop treatment and consult with a doctor.

General use of calcium and vitamin D more than 2500 mg of calcium and 400 ME/day of vitamin D can lead to intoxication.

Patients with hypercalcemia or condition connected with hypercalcemia, renal insufficiency or tendency to stone disease are objects of intoxication by calcium and vitamin D with lower doses. Such patients should avoid use of this product.

Acute and long exceeding of dose of calcium and vitamin D, especially for predisposed patients can lead to hypervitaminosis D, hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatasemia.

Consequences include renal insufficiency, milk-alkali syndrome, calcinosis of vessels and soft tissues includingcalcinosis leading to stone disease.

Form of output and packing

30, 60 and 120 tablets are placed in vials made ofhigh-density polyethylene with screw cap made of high-density polyethylene with sealed membrane made of aluminium foil on paper basis, covered mixture of high-molecular heteropolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate, laminated with foam polystyrene. Vial with medical use instruction in Kazakh and Russian shall be placed in carton package.

Storage conditions

Do not store above 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children!

Shelf life

3 years.

Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Conditions for drug supply

Without a prescription

Name and address of manufacturer

Contract Pharmacal Corporation, USA

135 Adams Avenue, Hauppauge, New-York 11788, USA

Name and country of the Registration Certificate holder

Bayer Consumer Care AG, Switzerland

Name and country of packer

Contract Pharmacal Corporation, USA

Name, address and contact data (telephone, fax, e-mail) of the organization receiving claims (offers) from consumers regarding the quality of products on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

«Bayer KAZ» LLP.

Timiryazev Street, 42, “Expo City” Business Center, Pav. 15

050057 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

tel.: +7 727 258 80 40, fax: +7 727 258 80 39


Name, address and contact data (telephone, fax, e-mail) of the organization responsible for post-registration supervision over the drug safety on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

«Bayer KAZ» LLP.

Timiryazev Street, 42, “Expo City” Business Center, Pav. 15

050057 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

Tel: +7 701 715 78 46 – round the clock

Tel.: +7 727 258 80 40 (106) – during working hours

Fax: +7 727 258 80 39


Availability in pharmacies

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